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About us


The University of Bristol Trampoline Club is committed to providing opportunities for all individuals involved in the University to participate in trampolining. We will support you with whatever you want to do gymnastics related; whether your goals are competitive, recreational or social. We accept all trampolinists from complete beginners all the way up to national standard athletes.

We currently have 8 full size trampolines along with a rig which we use in our sessions along with the help of our level 3 coach to try help people overcoming new and scary flips anyone is working towards and improve on.


A large proportion of our members don’t have a background in trampolining and come take part for fun, fitness and to learn some cool moves. Whether you’re someone with lots of experience in professional trampoline, freestyle trampolining or none at all, we welcome all recreational members to join in our training sessions with our experienced coaches who will help them achieve any goal you have or simply teaching them how to get started in the sport.


The club runs one of the most successful university trampoline programmes in the country. With members of the club competing at a national level, with our club leaving competitions with many members medalling.

The university trampoline competition structure is tiered so that competitions are accessible for all levels of ability.

We se strong performance in all levels, from people with a lot of experience to people brand new to the sport, but won’t push anyone to compete but will more than happily help anyone that’s wanting to push themselves and give it a go.

More information here


As a club we're not just about learning how to somersault.

We have regular socials throughout the year, including formals, ice skating, clubs, bars, but also more relaxing movie nights.

We're a team both in and out of the gym!

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